Organization By-Laws
- Article 1. NAME. The name of the organization shall be the Northwest Illinois Forestry Association (hereafter referred to as "NIFA"), a not-for-profit corporation in the State of Illinois.
- Article 2. PURPOSE. To promote awareness and achievement of the benefits of forest management, including both economic and environmental values.
- Article 3. MEMBERSHIP. Membership of NIFA shall consist of any person, firm, corporation, agency, or association which supports the purpose of NIFA. Memberships shall be terminated by resignation, death, or failure to pay dues. The board of directors may refuse renewal of membership to those persons who openly oppose the purposes of NIFA.
- Article 4. FISCAL AFFAIRS.
- Section 1. FISCAL YEAR. The NIFA fiscal year will begin on January 1 and end on December 31.
- Section 2. DUES. Annual dues shall be fifteen dollars ($15.00) for members receiving email announcements, twenty dollars ($20) for members receiving announcements by the postal service, fifty dollars ($50.00) for supporting members, and seven and one-half dollars ($7.50) for student members with an email address. Dues are payable to the Treasurer on or before January 1. Dues for new members received after September shall be credited to the next fiscal year beginning January 1. All dues shall be accompanied by the name, address, and membership affiliation (landowner, federal, state, university, or industry) of the person or firm for whom the dues are paid.
- Section 3. REGISTRATION FEES. Registration fees will be charged as appropriate to meet expenses of the annual dinner meeting, field trips, or other forestry related events.
- Section 1. ELECTED OFFICERS. The elected officers of NIFA shall consist of the President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Editor, and Media Manager.
- Section 2. ELECTED DIRECTORS. There shall be six (6) Directors elected from the membership.
- Section 3. QUALIFICATIONS FOR OFFICE. All officers must be NIFA members in good standing.
- Section 4. TERMS OF OFFICE.
- A. The term of each office shall begin on January 1 following the December officer election meeting.
- B. The President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Media Manager will each serve for a one-year term. Officers may serve consecutive terms.
- C. Directors shall serve for a three-year term with two directors up for election each year. Directors may serve consecutive terms.
- D. No one may hold multiple officer positions concurrently.
- Section 1. PRESIDENT. The President shall be responsible for guiding NIFA's activities. The President shall:
- 1. convene and preside over board of directors and general membership meetings;
- 2. define and monitor committee functions;
- 3. oversee business affairs of NIFA;
- 4. serve as an ex officio member of all committees;
- 5. with approval of the Board of Directors, appoint committees as necessary;
- 6. perform all duties common to such office and
- 7. serve on the Board of Directors.
- Section 2. VICE-PRESIDENT. The Vice-President shall:
- 1. serve as the President in the President's ansence;
- 2. serve on the Board of Directors; and
- 3. assist and act on behalf of the President as may be requested by the President.
- Section 3. SECRETARY. The Secretary shall:
- 1. keep and distribute the minutes of all NIFA meetings;
- 2. take minutes of all Board of Directors meetings;
- 3. have custody of all NIFA records; and
- 4. serve on the Board of Directors.
- Section 4. TREASURER. The Treasurer shall:
- 1. receive dues and other funds, make disbursements as authorized by the Board of Directors or the membership, and keep accurate account of these transactions in books belonging to NIFA;
- 2. deposit all moneys and other valuables to the credit of NIFA in such depositories as may be designated by the Board of Directors;
- 3. prepare and submit an annual financial report to NIFA and financial statements upon request of the President, Board of Directors, or membership;
- 4. serve on the Board of Directors;
- 5. Sign all NIFA checks or NIFA orders for payment. In the Treasurer's absence, the President may sign such checks or orders.
- 6. Propose an annual budget at the December meeting which will include operating expenses for which a further Board of Directors approval will not be needed once this budget passes;
- 7. File any required state or federal tax forms;
- 8. approve all fee schedules for events and seminars;
- 9. maintain the correct member mail/email addresses and renewal status in the online member database with information collected from the renewal submissions and checks;
- 10. coordinate the renewal process with the Media Manager.
- Section 5. MEDIA MANAGER. The Media Manager shall
- 1. assemble and distribute the minutes and information concerning meetings, field trips, and other NIFA business to the membership using the most efficient means possible and in a timely manner;
- 2. broadcast NIFA event announcements to the local media in a timely manner;
- 3. communicate NIFA event announcements to partner associations and institutions;
- 4. maintain and improve the NIFA website, including posting on the website NIFA meeting minutes, NIFA financial information, and NIFA event announcements;
- 5. construct and distribute NIFA renewal notices and renewal reminders to the membership at the direction of the Treasurer;
- 6. compose, layout, and submit for publication any advertisement approved by the Board of Directors;
- 7. prior to the NIFA December meeting, provide the Treasurer a projected budget for communications for the next year; and
- 8. receive timely reimbursement from the Treasurer for all expenses incurred for the communications described in #1-6 above upon presentation of expense receipts; and
- 9. serve on the Board of Directors.
- Section 6. DIRECTORS. Each of the six Directors shall
- 1. serve on the Board of Directors and attend membership meetings;
- 2. serve, as appointed by the President, on NIFA Committees.
- Article 7. BOARD OF DIRECTORS. The Board of Directors shall consist of the six Directors and the five Officers. They are to direct and supervise NIFA activities which shall include planning the annual agenda of meetings, field trips, etc.
- Section 1. ELECTRONIC COMMUNICATIONS. In the event that the Association may need decisions made before the next meeting can be scheduled, the President may use electronic communication to present the other Board members with an issue, to discuss this issue with the Board members, and to obtain the Board members' concurrence on a decision resolving this issue. Any such decisions will be documented by the Secretary and reported as an addendum to the next meeting's minutes.
- Section 2. ABSENCE. Any member of the Board of Directors who fails to attend four consecutive meetings can be removed from office at the discretion of the President.
- Article 8. COMMITTEES.
- A. MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE shall explore and implement methods for increasing numbers of members and collect information on new members as needed for NIFA records.
- B. MARKETING COMMITTEE shall investigate and advise NIFA on strategies for marketing forest-generated products.
- C. AUDITING COMMITTEE shall audit the Treasurer's books and rep[ort its findings to the membership at the annual dinner meeting.
- D. NOMINATING COMMITTEE shall prepare a slate of at least one candidate from the NIFA membership for each office to be filled and shall tabulate and certify the election results.
- Section 2. AD HOC COMMITTEES may be formed by the President as needed.
- Section 3. COMMITTEE CHAIRMEN AND MEMBERS will be appointed by the President with the exception of the auditing committee which will consist of the two retiring directors. Committee Chairmen are responsible for submitting committee reports at the annual election meeting or as requested by the President.
- Section 1. NOMINATIONS. The Nominating Committee shall transmit a slate of candidates to the President with a copy to the Editor by the November meeting. The chairman of the Nominating Committee shall determine whether all nominees are members in good standing and have accepted their nominations. Members wishing to suggest candidates may do so by contacting the Nominating Committee chairman.
- Section 2. ELECTIONS. The annual election of NIFA officers and directors shall be held at the December meeting. Voting will be conducted by a show of hands or ballot with the outcome determined by a simple majority of those voting.
- Section 3. VACANCIES. In the event of a vacancy on the Board of Directors, the President shall appoint an acting replacement to complete the term of office.
- Article 10. MEETINGS.
- Section 1. MEETINGS OF THE FULL MEMBERSHIP. A meeting of the general membership shall be convened at least twice annually, once for a dinner/recognition night and once in December for election of officers. The time, place, and agenda shall be determined by the Board of Directors.
- Section 2. BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETINGS. The Board of Directors shall meet at least twice annually. The time and place shall be determined by the Board of Directors. A quorum shall consist of six Board members. The general membership is welcome to attend these meetings.
- Article 11. PARLIAMENTARY AUTHORITY. The rules contained in "Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised" shall govern NIFA in all instances where applicable.
- Article 12. AMENDMENTS. These by-laws may be amended, altered, or repealed by a three-fourths vote of the members present at any meeting called for such a purpose. Notice of such a meeting must be given to the NIFA membership at least 15 days prior. By-laws shall be reviewed every two years by the Board of Directors or by an Ad Hoc Committee appointed by the President.
- Article 13. TERMINATION. Should NIFA terminate existence for any reason, its funds and assets shall be surrendered to a charitable, non-profit organization sympathetic to NIFA's purpose as determined by the Board of Directors.