The Society of American Foresters, Illinois and Iowa chapters are holding a joint fall 2014 meeting in Dubuque, Iowa.
Wednesday, November 5 • 9:30-10am: Registration, Mississippi River Museum (350 E 3rd St, Dubuque, IA)
• 10:00am: History of Bluffland Forests and Wood Industry Around Dubuque, Mark Wagner, Museum Education Director
• 11:00am: Lunch at the museum, tour on your own (Included in registration)
• 2:00-5:00pm: Logs, Dollars and Markets: Update on the Logging Industry (Carpool from Museum to J. Kubitz’s Logging Yard)
• 6:30pm: Dinner and Awards Presentation (Included in registration)
Thursday, November 6th (Lyons Center, Mines of Spain)
• 8:30-9:30am: Listing the Northern Long Eared Bat and What It Would Mean for Forest Management in Iowa, USFWS
• 9:30-10:30am: Birds and Forestry Along the Mississippi (Cerulean Warbler Research and Iowa’s First Globally Significant Bird Area), Jon Stravers
• 10:45-11:45am: Winter Fish Habitat and Forestry Along the Mississippi, Scott Gritters, IA DNR
• 11:45am: SAF State Business Meetings
For more information: contact
Gretchen Cline at